Curry Village: Lounge and Registration Architecture

The original guest registration building, now used as a lounge, is the oldest building in the Curry Village Historic District and the oldest concessioner-built structure in Yosemite. Constructed in 1904, it predates many of the Rustic buildings in Yosemite. As such, its massing and use of materials maintain some distinction from other designs throughout Yosemite. In particular, the shape of the roofline and wraparound covered deck are uncommon features of the area. Inside, exposed trusses along with paneled walls and ceilings set the design of this building apart from other rustic interiors in the park.

The modern-day registration building was constructed as a post office in 1920 and shares many aesthetic similarities with the modern-day lounge building. It was modified to accommodate registration functions in 1959.

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