Cook's Meadow Tour - Restoration Efforts

Throughout Yosemite National Park's history, countless efforts have been undertaken to preserve its ever-changing natural and cultural landscapes. Although it may not seem obvious today, Cook's Meadow was once one of the Valley's most developed areas. This spot also exemplifies how trees obscure many historic views. One hundred years ago, this cluster of trees was open meadow. New park plans call for reclaiming priceless, natural beauty and allowing natural processes to prevail. Now, interestingly, humans will affect change for the sake of restoration. Cook's Meadow has already been the focus of two important restoration projects - an old building site was re-contoured in 1993, and an old roadbed was removed in 1998. A wonderful surprise emerged when imported fill material was removed during the restoration: many species of native plants, including some rare and endangered species, sprouted from seeds dormant for nearly a century. These newly restored areas are carefully monitored and what is learned here will be applied to future meadow restoration projects.

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