Post #4 An "Uplifting" Story
Wind Cave
Now here's a pretty sight! Look at those hills! The valleys! It's rather inspiring don't you think? Maybe even uplifting!

As a matter of fact, it took an uplifting event to create these beautiful hills. Geologists estimate that about 60 to 65 million years ago two large land masses to the west began to collide. This collision created the Rocky Mountains, but also produced a rippling effect in the earth's crust producing the dome mountains that we now call the Black Hills.

The Rockies and the Black Hills greatly influence weather by creating a barrier for storms. Clouds, coming from the north ro west, are forced upward and cooled causing moisture to be released in the northern hills, or to be diverted around the hills. This accounts for the dry climate here.

Take a moment to enjoy this magnificent landscape. The open spaces and colors combined with the gentle hills make it truly memorable.

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