Rapidan Camp - The Brown House

The Brown House was President and Mrs. Hoover's restful and beautiful answer to their hectic city dwelling, the White House. Tucked between the Mill Prong and the Laurel Prong exactly where they meet to form the headwaters of the Rapidan River, The Brown House features a broad porch from which the President could cast into one of the best waterways on the east coast for trout! Although President Hoover was never known to take the easy way out and spent his time in waders among the trout rather than casting from the porch, it was a wonderful place to entertain their many guests and enjoy the outdoors. When the weather or nightfall drove them inside, the Brown House interior was just as welcoming. Furnished in rustic pieces built by the Marines, picked up locally by Mrs. Hoover, or re-purposed from the presidential yacht, the Brown House is a cozy spot.

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