CCC Recreation

After a long, hard day of work, this building must have the place to come for a little relaxation. But the boys wouldn't just stay up on the mountain, even if their dances did sometimes attract hundreds of attendees. Needing a change of scene, they might go on Friday and Saturday nights down into the nearby towns to attend movies and the local dances.

Long-Term Commitments

Some of those dances occasionally led to more long-term commitments. Several of the young men from the CCC married girls from the local community and settled down in the area.
Another long-term event, year after year, has been the reunion in September of the "boys" of the Shenandoah CCC camps. They came to see the park that they helped to build and to reminisce about their experiences. As one enrollee Edward Scott put it "The CCCs, I think, were a tremendous, wonderful thing. Not only did they make the Park, they really did...but they helped to make men."

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