Meadow Loop Trailhead

An easy, paved, 0.25 mile (0.4 km) trail which crosses open meadows with views of the Olympics. While exploring the ridge please keep your distance from wildlife and stay on paved paths or snow to avoid damaging fragile meadows.

Full Accessibility Description

Big Meadow and Cirque Rim Trails

Length: Center of parking to overlook: 400 feet. Cirque Rim Trail (overlook to east end of Big Meadow Trail): 1,670 feet. Big Meadow Trail: 900 feet
Surface Type: Asphalt pavement
Typical Trail Width: Center access and Big Meadow 8-foot width. Cirque Rim Trail 4-foot width
Typical Running Slope: Center of parking to overlook: 12-13% for 190 feet reducing to 6-7%. Cirque Rim Trail: 12-20%. Big Meadow Trail: Less than 5%, except for 9% for last 100 feet to east intersection
Typical Cross Slope: Less than 1%
Elevation Gain/Loss: Less than 50 feet
Accessible Parking: Van-accessible parking immediately across from the trailhead
Description: There are three trail access points on the north side of the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center parking area. The trail with the least grade and the widest tread begins from the center of the parking area. The trail is steep for the first 190 feet with the grade tapering off for the remaining 210 feet to an overlook with views of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Vancouver Island and the San Juan Islands on a clear day.

Starting shortly before the overlook, the Big Meadow Trail runs east for 900 feet across the meadow to an intersection with the Cirque Rim Trail and the High Ridge Trail. The Big Meadow Trail grade remains under 5% for 800 feet and then increases to 9% downhill where it reaches the intersection of the Cirque Rim Trail and the High Ridge Trail. For the least strenuous option, consider turning around at the Growing Gradually interpretive exhibit and returning to the parking lot or overlook via the same route.

The Cirque Rim Trail departs to the east from the overlook. The 4-foot-wide path follows the rolling contour of the northern slope at grades of 12-20% for 1,670 feet before meeting up with the intersection of the east end of the Big Meadow Trail and part of the High Ridge Trail. From here, the trail continues down a hill for 140 feet to reach the east end of the parking lot. To return to the center of the parking area via the Big Meadow Trail, follow the trail as it climbs a gradual 9% grade for 100 feet and then levels out to less than a 5% grade over the remaining 800 feet of trail leading downhill to the parking area.

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