Fat Man's Misery - Beneath Your Feet
Mammoth Cave

Located about one mile from the Historic entrance, you will find yourself entering Fat Man’s Misery. Fat Man’s Misery is a winding keyhole shaped passageway, the lower part of the passageway is about as wide as your hips or a little wider, above your hips the passage widens to about 5 ½ feet or more, at the very end, the floor comes up 2 feet for a 20 foot stoop walk, the passageway is a little over 100 feet long. 

This section was once described by an 1866 visitor as,

"… a tortuous rift, a snake in convolution and an avenue of torture in ruggedness, narrowness, and lowness. It would perplex a groundhog.”

Despite (or because of) its ruggedness, narrowness, and lowness, Fat Man’s Misery is one of the most asked about and popular passages in the cave. No groundhogs have been perplexed there. 

NPS Mobile App Users: Click here to watch a video of a ranger in Fat Man's Misery. 



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