Current Conditions at Isle Royale
Isle Royale

Alerts & Closures

Safety for 2024

  • Your safety is your responsibility. Have a conservative trip plan, plan your gear with conditions in mind, be first aid ready, and have plans on what you might do in case something goes wrong. Self-rescue is the best rescue as park response is limited and help could be hours or days away. Come prepared with everything you may need.
  • Water is Life: Stay Hydrated. During the seaon, potable water is only available in Rock Harbor and Windigo. To be assured of no risk of contamination from small bacteria and viruses, all filtered water should be further treated with iodine or other approved chemical methods. 



  • Potable Water:
    • Windigo: Not available.
    • Rock Harbor: Not available.
  • Restrooms:
    • Windigo: Closed.
    • Rock Harbor: Closed.
    • Bring toilet paper for use in outhouses.
  • Showers & Laundry
    • Windigo: Open 6/7.
    • Rock Harbor: Open 5/24.
  • Visitor Centers Hours
  • Rock Harbor Lodge 
    • Open 5/24: 
      • Dockside Store
      • Marina
      • Greenstone Grill
      • Water Taxis
    • Open 6/7:
      • Gift Shop
      • Lighthouse Restaurant
      • Fishing Charters
    • Fuel available 5/24.
  • Washington Harbor Store
    • Open 6/7.
    • Fuel available 6/7.

Transportation Services

Direct questions about transportation services and making reservations to respective providers. Dates sell out; reserve early.


  • General Conditions: Look out for hanging branches and other hazards before setting up camp. 


  • General Conditions: No trails have been cleared. Spring rain has created muddy conditions.
  • Downed Trees: In spring, trail crews will work to clear trails of downed trees across the island. However, obstructions will exist on trails and in campgrounds. Bring hiking poles to assist with difficult sections and wear sturdy, well-broken-in footwear.
  • Trail Navigation: Changing trail conditions due to beaver activity and wildfires from previous years can make certain sections of trail difficult to navigate. Have a map and compass and/or a GPS and know how to use them.

Water Conditions

  • Lake Superior water levels are 18 inches lower than in 2023. Mariners should exercise extra caution when navigating Isle Royale's numerous reefs, shoals, and points.

Wildlife for 2024

  • Cow Moose with Calves: Cow moose are extremely protective of their calves. If you see a cow moose (no antlers), look to see if there is a calf around. If a cow moose were to approach, protect yourself by putting a large tree or rock between you and the moose.
  • Wolves: If you see a wolf, do not approach. If the wolf comes closer, encourage it to leave by clapping and yelling. If you cannot safely leave, make yourself big and aggressively use hiking poles or branches. Wolf attacks are extremely rare and unlikely to happen, but if it does, fight by any means necessary.


Check if dive buoys are currently on or off station.


  • All recreational boaters intending to arrive at Isle Royale from Canada must clear U.S. customs prior to their arrival. This is true regardless of the nationality of the individual or purpose of the visit.
  • Private seaplanes cannot come directly to Isle Royale NP from Canada and utilize the ROAM app.
  • Learn more about clearing customs ahead of time.

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