Artists Palette
Death Valley

A spectacular array of colors adorn the hills of Artists Palette.

Tucked behind an unassuming yellow landscape, the rainbow of Artists Palette is the highlight along the Artists Drive Scenic Loop. Here, visitors marvel at an array of colors (red, orange, yellow, blue, pink, and green), splashed across the hills. These colors are from volcanic deposits rich in compounds such as iron oxides and chlorite, which creates a rainbow effect.   

Stunning not only at Artists Palette, the Artists Drive loop winds through hills carved by the erosive power of water, and gives vistas of both the rugged Black Mountains and swirling white salt flats. While no maintained trails exist along this loop, several pull outs provide safe parking areas from which to explore this unique landscape on foot.  

Although Artists Drive and Artists Palette are beautiful any time of day, sunrise and sunset provide additional shadows and changing light, further enhancing the allure of this incredible place.

When visiting Artists Palette, allow approximately 30 minutes to detour from Badwater Road along the one-way Artists Drive Scenic Loop. The drive begins 8.5 miles (13.7 km) south of the Hwy 190/Badwater Rd. junction and has a length restriction of 25 ft. (7.6 m) due to sharp bends and large dips. 


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