Aztec Butte Trail

Indigenous people once stored foods and medicines in rock structures, called granaries, built into alcoves here. Despite the current name, they were not part of the Aztec civilization. Do not touch or enter the extremely fragile ancient structures.

  • Roundtrip Distance: 1.4 mi (2.3 km) 
  • Time: 1.5 hrs 

  • Elevation Change: 222 ft (68 m) 

  • Difficulty: Moderate – Mesa Top 

  • Hike Description: The trail follows a sandy wash, then splits. The eastern fork to your right ascends Aztec Butte for spectacular views. The western fork on the left climbs the smaller butte then drops below the rim to two granaries. Both trails require scrambling up slickrock and ledges. Entering, touching, or climbing on archeological sites is strictly prohibited. View structures from a distance to protect fragile walls.  

  • Accessibility: This trail can be rough, uneven, and requires walking up and down a rocky hill and stone steps. It is not accessible to wheelchairs. In winter, there may be snow or icy conditions; we recommend traction devices for hikers. 

  • Dogs are not allowed on this trail. Service animals are allowed in national parks. What is a service animal? 

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