Daniels Ranch
Big Bend
The area around you is the Daniels farm, know as Daniels Ranch. In the early part of the 20th century, hardy homesteaders constructed not only dwellings, but an elaborate network of irrigation ditches so they could farm the Rio Grande floodplain. The crops they planted and harvested included cotton, melons, and corn. These crops were either grown for their own consumption, or sold to provide income. 
This adobe house is the last remaining Daniels Ranch structure. It undergoes periodic conservation treatment that allows visitors to see a great example of adobe architecture. The entire system of irrigation ditches remain visible throughout the farm complex. The ditches extend from the building eastward through the campground, and almost 1/2 mile north of the Rio Grande Village visitor center. Some of the ditches are currently used to provide water to the campground and the Black Hawk nesting area. A portion of the irrigation complex north of the campground is being removed to restore that area to conditions similar to the pre-homestead era.  

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