Little Hunters Beach

Little Hunters Beach is a cobblestone beach located off the Park Loop Road, southeast of Otter Point and Otter Cove. It is secluded from the road and accessible by a stairway down to beach level.

The famous cobbles found here are a result of glacial activity and powerful waves, often heard as they tumble over each other when the surf comes in and out. Cobbles are a critical part of Acadia’s shoreline habitat, providing shelter for small creatures and a place for larvae to cling onto.

There are no lifeguards are on duty and the ocean temperature rarely exceeds 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12.8 Celcius) in the summer. Due to strong undertows, swimming is not recommended. Use caution when walking on wet rocks, especially if covered in kelp or rock weed. They can be extremely slippery.

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